Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dear parents,

Tomorrow is the last day of class in 2019! School will start again on January 6th, 2020.

Tomorrow is a full day and fun lunch, of pizza!

Tomorrow is also the choir performance at 2:30 pm. Parents are welcome to join!

Students are allowed to wear Santa hats or other fun Christmas hats.

The students in room 1 have been busy little elves making a craft for you! They will be bringing them home tomorrow.

We have been learning about the Winter Solstice this week. Winter starts this Saturday and that marks the shortest day of the year. We learned that the earth is tilting away from the sun and the solstice marks the day when the earth starts tilting back toward the sun and the days get longer again.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Dear parents,
Today room 1 students were bucket filling detectives! We were looking for ways we saw other people filling buckets! There was a lot of kindness happening today! See the pictures below 

We also did some carol singing in the gym and we saw some talent show performances from the grade 3. There were jokes, magic, skipping, singing, dancing, flute playing and DJ mixing!

We learned at new game in math called race to 100. 

We also started an art project that will be a surprise!

Tuesday is Christmas sweater or cosy sweater day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dear parents,

Today we did some descriptive writing! We used our senses to describe a magical sled. 

Today we read a book call Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen. Room 1 students are getting a little silly during instruction time. So we talked about how our sillies sometimes stop us from listening and knowing what to do. 

We also finished our Snowman at Night art. See some examples below! We learned about shading and how to use oil pastels. 

Today in math we played a game to help us with our re-grouping. We added 2 numbers and counted out the total in one blocks. Then we went to the banker to see if we could exchange any ones, for a group of ten. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dear Parents,

It was a busy day in room 1!

This morning we learned about Character traits. We learned how a writer often describes a character trait with words. Rather that writing "She was curious" the author might write:

She liked going on adventures and learning new things. She was always asking questions. She like to look closely at things and figure out how they worked. She had a lot of wonders! 

We are starting to new about re-grouping in Math when doing addition questions. We are learning to carry a group of 10 over  to the tens place value.

The students in Room 1 have new spelling words today. Please have them practice for Friday's quiz. This will be our last spelling until January.

Please send any Food Bank donations by Friday!

Our student teacher, Mrs. Howard will be having her last day this Friday December 13th. She will return to our class at the end of February. We have been very grateful to have Mrs. Howard in our class and we will miss her these next 2 months!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the Maple Ridge School STEM night.

From 6:00-7:30 the classrooms will have stations that you can visit and do STEM based activities. Each station will take about 15 minutes.

We hope you join us!

Ms. Watts and Mrs. Howard

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Dear parents,

Today was a busy day! We started off with an experiment to see which spoon would transfer heat better. We tried a metal spoon, plastic spoon and wooden spoon. We found out that the metal spoon transferred heat best! We also learned about molecules and that when molecules are closer together, they transfer heat better. Ask your child what transfer means!

We also conducted out surveys this afternoon. Ask your child which of their options people liked best. 

We also started our new animal research project. We are researching an animal from one of our communities in Canada.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Today the grade 2's have a new spelling list to practice this week.
We also have new table groups. Ask your child their group name.

We also learned how to develop a survey question. Tomorrow the grade 2's are going to be conducting a classroom survey. Ask your child what they survey question is.

Please continue to bring non-perishable food items for the Food Bank.